
Papa Nobrane - The mastermind behind all the chaos!  His lyrics are from real life and he samples everything from Steve Martin to an anti-drug sermon from Rev. Billy Graham.  He grew up on a steady diet of paint chips, Jolt Cola, and red dye # five.  His "lobotomy" in the late 90's provided inspiration for the formation of Idiot Patrol.

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Anita P. Daly  -  A wicked old maid, she may sometimes use a urine bag as a tool of violence.  A hard core lesbian, she'll be taking all the girls home tonight boys.  When she's not playing bass she'll usually be in her bathroom finger painting and eating valium.

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Boog E. Mann - our massive drummer grew up a poor black child...!  Christmas was a special time of underwear, Pez, and creamed corn.  Crowned City Break Dance Champion in 1980, this large and in charge dude can shake his rumpa.  Previously played with the Papa in the punk bands, Snuffbox and The Dry Heavz.  

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Fonda Harddix - Once an innocent cheerleader she soon developed a nasty crack addiction that led to her now infamous roles in the Golden Shower Girl, Forest Hump, Sir Hump Alot, The Sex Files, and The Legend of the Texas Steamroller Cheerleaders (her most infamous).  She spent some of her earnings to take guitar lessons and the rest on finding God.

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Betty Kumzkwic - Rumored to have vacationed at Spahn Valley Ranch in 1969, Betty quotes Charles Manson every morning over bacon and a Bloody Mary.  Keyboards have been her life ever since 3rd grade, which is also the same year her father slipped acid into her Apple Jacks.

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